Lakshmi Sharma

piano tutor

Lakshmi Sharma

Lakshmi Sharma is a Western Classical Pianist who has completed grades from Trinity College, London and has been trained in Russian Piano methodology under the guidance of Virtuoso Pianist Dr. Surojeet Chatterji, LRSM (Alumnus of the Moscow Conservatory, Russia) at KM Music Conservatory (A.R. Rahman College), Chennai. She has participated in various piano competitions and has won multiple accolades.

She was trained under the encompass of the Russian Piano Studio, embodying the legendary pianistic lineage of the Moscow Conservatory, tracing back from Dr. Surojeet Chatterji, Rudolf Kerer, Irina Smorodinova, Emil Gilels, Heinrich Neuhaus, Leschetizky, Liszt, Czerny to Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Her poetic caring heart, her immense patience, her analytical ability to comprehend humanistic details & the approach to the piano playing, makes her an ideal teacher of it to deserving students of any age.